Whats the deal? My name is Tim but I carry a few names and titles. Staff Sergeant T, T,
SabreOscar, Sabre x360a, but my favorite name is Daddy.
Ive been in the U.S. Army since the age of 18 and will hit my ten years of military service on May 27
th. Its an achievement I am very excited about. The life of a soldier is not always easy but I have enjoyed journey along the way.
I have been gaming since I was 6 years old. It all started on Christmas of '86 when my parents got my younger brother and I our very first Nintendo. Over the years I have gone through many different games and systems. The
XBOX 360 has been my platform of choice since it came out. I recently became hooked on getting achievements and have found myself trying to earn as many as possible. In the achievement world my 21k score is not much but with the help of friends and an amazing website
www.xboxachievements.org my 21k will greatly rise this year.
Not sure why I got the urge to create this blog. It seemed like a good idea but only time will tell.